
Christophe Cros

Chairman of Water Technologies & Solutions, SUEZ

Christophe Cros

Chairman of Water Technologies & Solutions, SUEZ


Since October 2017, Christophe Cros is Chairman of Water Technologies & Solutions (WTS),combining the activity of former GE Water & Process Technologies acquired in 2017 and that of SUEZ’s industrial services. He oversees the business relationship with the partner CDPQ (Caisse des Dépôts et Placement du Québec), the proper integration of activities into the Group, and the development of synergies.

He joined Suez (now Engie) in 1991 and the waste business (SITA) in 1999 as Senior Executive Vice President and then managing director for all waste activities in Europe in 2002. Since he has held various positions including CEO of the French and European waste businesses and Group CFO.

Before joining Suez, he served as Chief Finance Officer of the Centre national des Caisses d’Epargne (1989) and as a financial magistrate of the Cour des Comptes (1985) (National Audit Office).

Mr Cros is a former student of the Ecole Nationale d’Administration. He holds a Master’s degree in economics (Paris University) and is a graduate of Sciences Po, the Institute of Political Studies, Paris.