
Hans-Martin Friis Møller

Director, CEO, Kalundborg Utility, Denmark

Hans-Martin Friis Møller

Director, CEO, Kalundborg Utility, Denmark


Mr Hans-Martin Friis Møller is the CEO of Kalundborg Utility.

The utility is responsible for drinking water production and distribution, process and cooling water to industries, collecting and treatment of wastewater and district heating.

Kalundborg utility is a central player in the Kalundborg Industrial Symbiosis involving Novo Nordisk, Statoil, Novozymes, Dong and other industries where one partner’s by-product is the resource in another partner’s production. As a multi-utility it is working with the energy/water nexus, with a goal to be a net energy producing utility. First step is using cleaned 24-25 degree waste water in a heat pump to produce appr 80.000 MWh district heating.

Mr. Møller holds +30 years management and project experience from governmental and private consulting companies, and has been involved in water and energy project globally, the latest of which have been in Bangladesh and Myanmar.