
HE Eng. Iyad Dahiyat

Secretary General, Water Authority of Jordan, Jordan

HE Eng. Iyad Dahiyat

Secretary General, Water Authority of Jordan, Jordan


Iyad Dahiyat has more than 17 years of experience in the water sector of the Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan, he served as the Secretary General of Ministry of Water and Irrigation and is currently serving as the Secretary General of the Water Authority of Jordan.

Mr. Dahiyat served as the PMU Director in the Ministry of Water and Irrigation during which he managed a diverse set of strategic infrastructure projects with a value of (US$ 1.1 Billion), including the As-Samra BoT (PPP). One of the important achievements of Mr. Dahiyat was the establishment and implementation of a comprehensive benchmarking and performance monitoring system to regulate the performance of public distribution companies in the water sector. Mr. Dahiyat was an integral member of the MWI team which prepared the updated Water Sector Strategy and Policies, Capital Investment Programme and the Action Plan to Reduce Water Sector Losses 2016 – 2025.

Whilst working in the Prime Ministry, Mr. Dahiyat served as the Water Sector Expert and later as the Projects Director to prepare Jordan’s infrastructure investments project proposal “Concept Paper” to the United States Millennium Challenge Corporation for financing under the compact grant facility and managed the development of an investment portfolio of (US$ 300 Million). Previously, he managed the reform and decentralization program and infrastructure rehabilitation projects of the water utilities in the Ministry of Water and Irrigation, including the development and implementation of different Public Private Partnership (PPP) scenarios and options in the provision and delivery of public infrastructure and services in the water sector, as well as the evaluation of its respective impacts on the institutional structure and regulatory framework within this sector. Mr. Dahiyat also worked as a technical consultant with World Bank and coordinated a portfolio of projects in the Municipal and Tourism sectors in Jordan; in addition to providing advice to a number of donor-funded projects in the Water and Environment sectors in Jordan.

Mr. Dahiyat holds a MBA from the University of Warwick in the UK, an MSc in Water and Environmental Management from Loughborough University in the UK, and a BSc in Civil Engineering from the University of Jordan. He is a Chartered Water and Environmental Manager (MCIWEM) and a Member of the American Society of Civil Engineers (MASCE).