
Jacques Euler

Beauty Division – Manufacturing Sustainability, Procter & Gamble.

Jacques Euler

Beauty Division – Manufacturing Sustainability, Procter & Gamble.


Jacques Euler leads the sustainability  program for the Procter & Gamble Beauty manufacturing division.

This program covers energy, water and waste for the 19 sites producing Beauty product worldwide.

This program includes all aspects of water, including water supply & purification, water usage optimisation, in addition to quality and on-site waste water treatment. His approach on sustainability is based on full integration in design and operation, real time understanding of the consumption, and artificial intelligence, in order to support business growth while helping the community. Working energy and waste together with water helps, as the programs are very interconnected.

Based in France, he travels extensively to audit the existing sites and provide design inputs for the new sites.

He  started 30 years ago with Procter & Gamble and has experience in manufacturing and engineering  in various locations in Americas, Europe, Middle East  and Asia.