
Khalid Tahri

Technical and Engineering Senior Manager, ONEE, Morocco

Khalid Tahri

Technical and Engineering Senior Manager, ONEE, Morocco


Mr Khalid TAHRI is an electromechanical engineer since 1991 and an MBA laureate of “Ponts et Chaussées” school since 2002.

He accumulates with the National Office of Electricity and Potable Water (ONEE), 27 years of experience.

Nowadays, Mr Khalid TAHRI is the technical and engineering senior manager at ONEE Water Branch, responsible of engineering and construction of big water projects, at national level, supplied with conventional or non-conventional resources.

Meanwhile, Mr Khalid TAHRI contributes as an international expert in MENA region water projects.

He is also a Vice-President of Moroccan Membranes and Desalination Society (MMDS) and participates actively to national and international conferences organized par various associations dealing with water of which IDA, GWI, EDS, WEX, ACUWA…