
Roelof Kruize

CEO, Waternet, The Netherlands

Roelof Kruize

CEO, Waternet, The Netherlands


Roelof Kruize is CEO of Waternet, the Public Watercycle organization of the Amsterdam region. Waternet is responsible for drinking water, wastewater, groundwater, surface water and safety behind the dikes. It is a joint executive service run by the City of Amsterdam and the regional public water authority Amstel, Gooi and Vecht.

At the agricultural university of Wageningen, Kruize studied environmental control and specialized in wastewater treatment. After various functions for the City of Amsterdam, in 1997 he became member of the board of directors of one of the predecessors of Waternet and then in 2002 he became CEO. From 2008 to 2012 he was the combined CEO of Waternet and the Waste to Energy Company of the city of Amsterdam.

Kruize is involved in many national and international activities. He is president of the Royal Dutch Waternetwerk and the Dutch representative for the International Water Association (IWA). He was also formerly president of the European Water Association and, in 2003, he was elected government manager of the year in the Netherlands.