
Sponsors 2018

2018 Sponsors

Gold Sponsor

Global Water Awards Sponsor

Global Partner

Industry Partner

Leading Utilities of the World Foundation Partner

Silver Sponsors

Bronze Sponsors

Official Water Technology Idol 2018 Sponsor

Session Sponsors

Programme Sponsor

One-to-One Networking Sponsor


Events & Publishing Partner

Organised By

Find Out More About Sponsorship Opportunities

To find out more about the sponsorship opportunities available with the Global Water Summit 2018 or receive a Media Pack, contact Roxy Ali at roxy.ali@globalwaterintel.com.


1. Create, develop and enhance your credibility

In general, companies have limited opportunities to build trust and establish rapport with their customers. Getting involved as a sponsor and being seen as dependable and supportive will accelerate the process. Attending this event is important but standing out in the crowd by being a sponsor will highlight you and your business in front of a captive audience, your audience.

2. Highly targeted marketing

Events target their marketing, bringing together exactly the right audience for you, at the right time, in the same place. Create new professional relationships with other sponsors, vendors, speakers and attendees. Acquiring a list of high-quality attendees may prove to be the most valuable asset available to a sponsor.

3. Leveraged lead generation

The majority of people who attend an event will most likely know others with similar interests. Remember, not only will you be in front of them but may have a chance to be recommended to their connections as well.

4. Media exposure

All events have extensive marketing campaigns to make sure the event is well attended and successful. Sponsors will automatically get the benefit of being promoted throughout these campaigns, nationally and internationally. This could provide extended exposure and create visibility in markets you haven’t tapped into yet.

5. Brand awareness & recognition

Logo placement in a variety of media such as adverts, flyers, brochures, websites, email campaigns and signage will all increase brand awareness. Being recognized as a sponsor will communicate value and support with your audience at the event.

6. Community involvement and giving back

Companies that get involved with events will be sending a message to attendees that they are genuinely interested in providing support, creating more human interest and appeal to the audience.